Condition Categories
We categorise each item to help you decide on its wearability or collectability.
Most of these items are 50 to 100 years old and they have easily lived a lifetime, or even several! So general wear and repairs are to be expected. Our stock is housed, cleaned, and repaired with museum principles in mind. We diligently inspect and protect our vintage garments and take great care to describe every item as accurately as possible. Each item will be given a condition level, from the Mint- the best, to Poor- the lowest. Flaws, imperfections and repairs will be noted, especially those that may affect the presentation or wearability of the item.
Levels of Condition:

Best condition possible. There is no visible damage, wear or alteration. Likely never worn.
There is only a tiny portion of visible damage, wear or alteration contained to a small area. Likely never worn. Its structure is strong and whole.
There is a normal level of visible wear to be expected from use or age, but no obvious flaws such as stains or holes. No structural damage.
Very Good

There is a normal level of visible wear and small flaws to be expected from regular use or age. These do not take away from the quality of other features.
There are visible flaws, but the item is wearable. The fabric may not be strong enough for everyday wear (e.g. very gentle wear for antique items).
There are visible flaws, which have either been visibly repaired or are irreparable.

There are visible flaws that are not reparable. The item is not wearable but may be used for study or display.

This dress is listed as ‘Very Good’ as the small flaws do not affect the wear and the larger bow damage is not visible.’

Repaired tears on the back of the bow. Not visible when wearing.
For Example: